Tag Archives: lincoln club

LHS Polyglot – Early Submissions End TOMORROW

10 Jan

Hey budding writers,

You’ve got ONE MORE DAY to send in your work to Lincoln’s Polyglot Club to be considered part of the early submissions pack. As mentioned before, those getting their work in early will be entered into a contest for Powell’s gift cards.

But, don’t fret, even if you miss tomorrow’s deadline, you’ll still have a chance to submit your work. Once the deadline deadline is set, I’ll keep you all posted.

Submissions should be sent to lhspolyglot@gmail.com. Happy Writing!

Polyglot Literary Mag Submissions

15 Dec

Lincoln’s own Polyglot Club is accepting early submissions, December 16th, for the school’s literary magazine.

Submissions should be sent to lhspolyglot@gmail.com